Planner and pen for sustainable new year's resolution ideas.

8 Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions Anyone Can Implement

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Climate impacts are continuing to ramp up and that makes living responsibly even more pertinent. Yes, our climate problems shouldn’t only be a problem for individuals but we shouldn’t ignore the roles we play in the overall system. Since it’s my firm belief that the power of individual action can be substantial and because it’s that time of year again I plan on focusing on implementing sustainable New Year’s resolutions.

These aren’t big ticket changes and instead are things to slowly implement as time passes. Making bite-sized adjustments not only is easier but it’s less intimidating and helps keep the ball rolling. If things go to plan, making these actionable sustainable changes will result in hitting these larger goals by the end of the new year.

Additionally, we desperately need long-term solutions. That requires consistency, patience, and a shift in mindset! Applying sustainable resolutions will help us advocate for an equitable and environmentally friendly world. With that said, let’s talk about some ideas I plan on implementing in the new year and tips on how you can too.

1. Reduce consumption

Last year one of my sustainable New Year’s resolutions was to only support ethical businesses and shop slowly. This is something I’ve been slowly implementing for a while but I want to go even further than just supporting better companies and reducing my consumption point blank.

Getting out of the mindset of hyper-consumerism and looking toward other sources of satisfaction is of utmost importance too thanks to our overconsumption problems. So much so that I don’t think just supporting ethical business is the answer, we must adjust our expectations on what is truly necessary and what we can actually do without.  

I’ve never really been the one to make impulse purchases, so my problem stems from a scarcity mindset. Because of that, I think trying to create purpose for everything I bring into my life is going to be the key here. Everything needs a function or place before I can bring it into my life.

For me, I want to try no-buy months and focus on repairing clothes since clothing is a big area of consumption for me. I also want to try and phase out more plastic products by finding alternatives, so I’ll be on the hunt for better products as things need replacing.

2. Responsibly manage any waste

In tandem with reducing consumption, we also need to figure out ways to manage waste – even at the individual level. So, I want to focus on upcycling and repairing things first and foremost as a means of closing the loop of our linear system. It’s easy to want to throw something away when damaged or after it has lived its purpose but that’s wildly unsustainable.

Beyond that – in the case of things being beyond repair or completely unusable – to manage my waste in a responsible way I also want to learn how to properly throw things away. I already utilize programs that repurpose clothing scraps but I want to take this further.

That means including tech waste, skincare product waste, and miscellaneous household waste that can’t be readily recycled at home. This seems like the biggest task, but I plan on sharing all information and resources so be on the lookout for those resources coming in 2025!

3. Become more self-sufficient

This resolution may seem daunting but I’m actually so excited for it. I think it’s so important to do things for ourselves and herein lies true sustainability! Doing more things ourselves helps build a greater appreciation for what we have and can reduce a lot of waste.

I want to be able to feed myself and my family more so my main focus is going to be on increasing yield and success in the garden. I’ve been gardening for a bit, but I can definitely do things better and improve! I also want to continue learning and upping my sewing skills to mend and repair clothes or miscellaneous things around the house too.

If gardening or sewing aren’t your forte there are still plenty of other skills to learn! Other skills that I would suggest are learning to compost or dialing in edible plant identification for urban foraging – both great ways to reconnect with nature and become self-sufficient.

Learning how to cook more things at home is also a great skill to learn if you’re not used to getting in the kitchen. Skills that help us be more self-sufficient are great ways to be more eco-minded as they help build an appreciation for nature, aren’t typically tied to overconsumption, and lead to less waste.

4. Accumulate experiences instead of things

Another way I want to try and combat my personal overconsumption is by shifting my focus towards experiences instead of things. Although this can sometimes present a financial burden, I’m hoping that I’ll be able to focus on experiences that are low to no cost – like visiting new hiking spots, and that any money needed can be found through limiting my consumption.

The goal with this sustainable New Year’s resolution is to cut down on the amount of stuff that may find its way into my life while also bringing greater joy and fulfillment. Instead of trying to keep up with the Joneses, saying yes to more activities or experiences will take over that time.

I hope this resolution will add a new sense of richness to my life because, after all, I don’t want my life to go by unlived! So, this year that’ll be the focus, and maybe long-term it’ll snowball to new hobbies, greater friendships, and less consumption of stuff I can do without.

5. Get involved in my community

Community involvement is such a great way to tackle environmental and social problems in a way that hits close to home. I want to focus on volunteering more – whether that’s by going to more community clean-ups or tree planting events or what have you – to connect with my community and give back to keep my community thriving.

An easy way to find community events is to go to your county’s website, search for community non-profits, or utilize social media groups in your area to see if there are ways to get involved.

6. Lower water consumption

Water consumption is always a big topic when it comes to individual sustainability, and for good reason. Especially if you live in an area where water scarcity is prevalent, it’s important to keep track of how we’re using water!

I don’t have a lawn to water, so I need other ways to reduce my water footprint. To do so, I’m planning on eating a variety of water-efficient plant foods and switching my laundry and dishwashing habits to be more water-efficient.

If you aren’t already, an easy way for beginners to lower their water consumption is by reducing the amount of animal products you eat. This doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach (and honestly nothing on this list is like that!), so any small change or habit adjustment can add up to a great impact.

7. Continue to fight food waste

I hate food waste, but honestly, I’m not perfect at combating it. Although I do actively compost, I want to find more ways to use things I don’t typically or find new ways to repurpose things I typically compost.

I hope that doing so will not only help me get more out of the food I have but also help me get creative in the kitchen. Fighting food waste doesn’t have to be daunting or laborious, but I am hopeful it will be inspiring and lead to some good food!

8. Spend more time with loved ones

I don’t know about you but this year I really came to understand how important and limited the time we have with loved ones is. That’s why my last resolution is to spend more time with those who are important to me. I think doing so is also a way to practice a more sustainable lifestyle because it gets us out from doom scrolling and into the present.

The thinking behind this is on par to why experiences enrich our lives more than stuff does and it’s just another way to get me away from things that don’t truly serve me and instead go towards things that do.

What sustainable New Year’s resolutions do you have?

So, here are the simple things I plan on focusing on in the new year to work towards a low-impact lifestyle and live in a more mindful and sustainable way. I’d also love to hear what eco-friendly habits you’re planning on focusing on and implementing!

Honestly, we should all consider ways to incorporate sustainability into our New Year’s resolutions. We don’t need to be perfect and we don’t need to have all the answers, but together we can change the world for the better!

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