radish and carrots

3 Beginner Hacks To Cut Down On Food Waste

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We have a problem – specifically, a problem with letting food go to waste. An estimated 119 billion pounds of food is wasted in the US alone! Unfortunately, food can spoil during manufacturing and transport, it can fail to meet retailers’ standards, or leftovers can go uneaten all of which ultimately lead to this large amount of edible food going to waste.

Food waste is a huge problem, but we can help fix this issue.

Although part of the problem lies with manufacturers, another lies with us. About 39% of all food waste comes from our homes. When 345 million people are thought to be food insecure, we can’t afford to throw away this much food.

Plus, when put in a landfill environment food can’t really decompose. What it can do, on the other hand, is produce loads of methane gas. The emissions coming from landfills are no joke, with about 17% of methane emissions in the US coming from landfills alone.

Although composting is a great way to keep food out of landfills, it can be intimidating for beginners. Yet, there are still plenty of easy things we can do to combat this unnecessary waste! So, let’s get into my 3 essential beginner hacks to consider implementing to cut down on food waste.

Easy ways to cut down on food waste:

Utilize your freezer.

The first super easy way to cut down on food waste is to become best friends with your freezer. I honestly love freezing things, it’s kind of hilarious. Each time I go to the grocery store, I set aside 15-30 minutes after the trip to prep and freeze many of the things I normally pick up.

That alone has helped me eliminate most of my food waste because I don’t have to worry about things going bad before I can get to them. I freeze vegetables, fruits, bread, herbs, you name it – I probably have it in my freezer.

Freezing food also saves some money because the food you’re buying doesn’t get wasted and you can buy more things in bulk for cheaper (hello $5 10 lbs. bag of carrots!). Plus, pre-chopping produce and freezing it can save you time when cooking. Just open your freezer and you’re ready to cook! The bottom line: utilizing your freezer helps save money, save time, and cut down on food waste.

Be realistic.

Another simple way to cut down on food waste is by being realistic about what you will actually eat. Food waste is exacerbated by our overconsumption, so being conscious of what you’re buying is crucial. You only need to set aside a handful of extra minutes before your grocery trip and, in turn, you’ll avoid throwing out half of your fridge every week.

If you know you never use up greens before they wilt, then don’t just keep buying more with the hope that one day you’ll get through it all before it goes bad. Letting food just sit in your fridge is a surefire way to waste both your money and that food. Be intentional and realistic about what you can and will use and adjust your grocery list accordingly.

I find that coming up with meal ideas for the week is the perfect way to check myself while shopping. Cross-referencing what you already have at home and making a detailed list of what you need for each meal will set you up for success. It’s a total game changer, you’ll minimize the daily strife of figuring out what to cook while also making sure you eat what’s in your fridge. A totally easy way to save money and eliminate food waste.

Use your scraps.

The last super easy way to decrease the amount of food you may throw away is to use your scraps. This gives the parts of your food you would normally just throw out a second chance and reduces what’s going to the landfill. Plus, doing so can be nutritious and delicious!

Instead of throwing out your food scraps, get creative! My favorite ways to use food scraps are to make vegetable broth or infused simple syrups. I’ve also seen other creators make a lot of other things out of food scraps, like salads and dips, so there are tons of options for whatever you have on hand.

So, try giving food another purpose by using your cooking scraps instead of just throwing them away. Doing so can help stretch your food budget and cut down on food waste!

In sum, to cut down on food waste:

  1. Utilize your freezer.
  2. Be realistic.
  3. Use your scraps.
Forming more eco-friendly habits doesn't have to be hard.

Get creative in the kitchen, be thoughtful, and save money – all while helping the planet! Just making small changes to your daily habits can make a big impactI hope these simple tips inspire you to take action to combat this issue and cut down on food waste. 

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